Learning Tips and Tricks!

Learning Tips and Tricks!

Tips and tricks!

First, create a powerful vision of your higher self.

Create a clear compelling vision of the life you want.

Get clear on why you want to learn.

Take a long term perspective.

Understand learning is the beginning of you becoming the person you want to be and having the life you want to live.

Understand you have genius within you.

You can learn “anything” with enough time and practice.

Get a reason that is bigger than you.

Understand you were born for an important reason and that the world needs you!

Have the courage to unlearn!

Challenge your paradigms!

Question everything.

Don’t follow the crowd.

Observe successful happy principled-based people and their learning habits.

Take 100% responsibility for your education.

Understand learning is self-education.

Teachers can guide you, institutions can design courses for you, and the training department at work can “train” you but always take the position that you are in charge of your learning.

You have to do the pushups.

Nobody can learn for you.

Nobody can “give” you the learning.

Create faith, and build a fire of desire under your goals.

Get organized, and think on paper!

Be gentle but firm, and use learning as an opportunity to practice character-building, principles, and strength.

Use what you learn as soon as possible.

Use what you learn to make your life better.

Share what you are learning!

Be a prolific learner!

Be curious about EVERYTHING.

Stay a beginner, the greatest obstacle to learning is when you say “I know”

Be open to learn from “anybody’ or “any situation”.

Be open to learn from people and situations you deem to be unpleasant.

Learn from failure.

Don’t waste time!
