Why Learn Grammar

The Rules of the Game!

Understanding and Applying Grammar for English Language Learners

Welcome to our lesson on understanding and applying grammar for English language learners. In this lesson, we’ll be discussing the importance of grammar, common mistakes made by English learners, and how to overcome these mistakes in order to improve your language skills.

Oxford Languages defines grammar as “the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics.” 

In other words, grammar is the study of the classes of words, their inflections, and their functions and relations in a sentence.

Despite its importance, many English learners make two major mistakes when it comes to grammar: not learning grammar and not knowing how to apply grammar to their language learning.

Over the years, I have identified three areas related to an English student’s ability to learn English quickly: attitudes about grammar, methods of learning grammar, and how grammar knowledge is applied.

Attitudes about Grammar

Many English students are not enthusiastic about understanding or learning English grammar rules, perhaps due to past negative experiences or a lack of understanding of the benefits of grammar. However, this is a major error. Grammar is a tool that can greatly aid in understanding, reading, writing, and speaking English.

Methods of Learning Grammar

Another major error I see regarding grammar is the methods and habits used in learning English grammar. Most students do not learn grammar in an organized, linear fashion. Just like any complex skill, certain foundational knowledge must be learned before more advanced principles. It is also an error to learn or memorize grammar rules as the goal, as grammar is a tool to be used for understanding and communicating in English.

How Grammar Knowledge is Applied

Many English students have zero idea of how to properly use grammar. It is estimated that native English speakers know approximately 20,000 passive vocabulary words and another 20,000 active vocabulary words. Passive words are words the user knows or recognizes, while active words are words the user can use in written or spoken language. To convert passive vocabulary into active vocabulary, grammar rules must be applied.

In conclusion, grammar is a vital tool for understanding and communicating in English. By understanding and properly applying grammar, you can greatly improve your language skills and achieve your goals. 


Remember, “the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek” (Joseph Campbell).

Reading Recommendation: “Giant Steps” by Tony Robbins

I am Robert Erickson and thank you for sharing your time with me. 

Please join me in the next lesson to learn how you can make grammar your best and most valuable friend.

To learn more, sign up for my "English Learning Strategy Course"

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