Business English

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Professionals understand: English is the key.

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English Reading

English Writing

English Speaking

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The classes you want and need!

Business English & Corporate Training: Classes & Courses

Executive Coaching and Mentorship: Elevate Your Leadership Potential

English lessons and groups where you can learn, practice and develop your talents and skills.
You have to try these classes!

English Class CDMX

Business English

English Class CDMX for Business

Advanced Business English

Business Woman

Master Mind Business English

Group Corporate

Private Coaching Sessions

English Class CDMX

Individual Corporate

Business Meeting
English Class Presentation.

Business English Classes: Boost Your Professional Communication Skill

English lessons and groups where you can learn, practice and develop your talents and skills.
You have to try these classes!

  1. Business English Classes: Enhance your professional communication skills and excel in the business world with our specialized Business English classes. From effective email writing to persuasive presentations, our courses cover a wide range of topics to help you succeed in your career.

  2. Corporate Training Programs: Elevate your team’s communication and language proficiency with our tailor-made corporate training programs. We work closely with companies to design customized courses that address specific needs and objectives. Our training programs are designed to improve workplace communication, cross-cultural understanding, and overall professional effectiveness.

  3. Executive Coaching and Mentorship: Unlock your full potential as a leader with our executive coaching and mentorship programs. Our experienced coaches provide one-on-one guidance, support, and strategies to help you enhance your leadership skills, navigate challenges, and achieve your professional goals. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or aspiring to be one, our coaching and mentorship programs can take your career to new heights.

No matter which option you choose, our Business English and Corporate Training programs are designed to empower you and your team with the language and communication skills necessary to thrive in today’s global business environment.

Who are these courses for?

These Business English courses cater to a wide range of individuals who understand the significance of effective communication in the professional world. They are particularly beneficial for:

  • Business professionals who want to enhance their English language skills for better collaboration, presentations, negotiations, and networking.
  • Entrepreneurs and startup founders who need to communicate confidently with clients, investors, and business partners in English-speaking environments.
  • Employees working in multinational corporations who aim to improve their English proficiency to excel in their roles and advance in their careers.
  • Sales and marketing professionals who require strong English communication skills to effectively engage with clients and customers.
  • Business students preparing to enter the corporate world and seeking to develop their English language abilities for successful internships and job opportunities.
  • Professionals in the hospitality and tourism industry who interact with international visitors and need to provide exceptional service in English.

These Business English courses provide practical skills, industry-specific vocabulary, and relevant knowledge to equip individuals in various business contexts. Whether you are a business professional, entrepreneur, student, or working in a related field, these courses will empower you to communicate effectively and confidently in English within the business realm.

Learn English with English Class CDMX

What you will learn:

In these Business English courses, you will gain valuable skills and knowledge to thrive in the professional arena. Here’s what you will learn:

💼 Business Communication Skills: Enhance your ability to communicate effectively in business settings, including writing professional emails, creating persuasive presentations, and engaging in meetings and negotiations.

📊 Business Vocabulary and Terminology: Expand your vocabulary and understanding of business-specific terms and concepts, enabling you to articulate ideas, discuss industry trends, and participate in specialized discussions.

🌐 Intercultural Communication: Develop cultural awareness and sensitivity to effectively communicate with individuals from different backgrounds, ensuring successful interactions in a global business environment.

📝 Business Writing: Master the art of crafting clear, concise, and professional written documents, such as reports, proposals, memos, and business correspondence.

🗣️ Speaking and Presentation Skills: Hone your speaking and presentation abilities, improving your delivery, confidence, and impact when delivering speeches, pitches, or business presentations.

🤝 Business Etiquette: Learn essential business etiquette practices and cultural norms to navigate professional environments with confidence and professionalism.

📞 Telephone and Video Conference Skills: Acquire the necessary skills to effectively communicate and participate in business calls and virtual meetings, including managing conference calls, handling video conference tools, and maintaining professional etiquette.

📊 Business Culture and Practices: Gain insights into the customs, protocols, and practices observed in different business cultures, enabling you to adapt and collaborate successfully with international colleagues and clients.

With these skills and knowledge, you will be well-equipped to excel in the dynamic and competitive business world, effectively communicating your ideas, building relationships, and achieving success in various professional settings.

Get Started Today! Don't Hesitate!

Top 10 List: Traits of Exceptional Employees

🌟 Attitude: A Positive Mindset ✨

Maintaining a positive attitude is key to being an exceptional employee. It involves approaching challenges with optimism, embracing a “can-do” attitude, and having a solutions-oriented mindset. A positive attitude not only boosts your own motivation and productivity but also inspires and influences those around you.

🤝 Helpfulness: A Team Player 🤝

Being a great employee means being willing to lend a helping hand to your colleagues and being a team player. Actively supporting and collaborating with others creates a harmonious work environment and fosters a sense of camaraderie. By demonstrating helpfulness, you contribute to a positive and productive team dynamic.

🌟 Vision: Forward-Thinking and Goal-Oriented 🎯

Having a clear vision and being goal-oriented are essential traits of exceptional employees. They demonstrate a sense of purpose, ambition, and determination to achieve both personal and organizational objectives. A visionary employee strives for continuous improvement and is always looking for ways to contribute to the growth and success of the company.

💪 Resilience: Bouncing Back from Challenges 💥

Resilience is the ability to adapt and bounce back from setbacks and challenges. Exceptional employees possess resilience, staying focused and composed even in the face of adversity. They learn from failures, remain determined, and persevere in achieving their goals. Resilience enables individuals to overcome obstacles and maintain high levels of productivity and effectiveness.

🔍 Competency: A Strong Skill Set 📚

Being competent in your role and having a strong skill set is vital to being a great employee. Continuous learning, updating your knowledge, and acquiring new skills relevant to your job demonstrate your commitment to excellence. Competency allows you to perform tasks efficiently, contribute effectively, and make valuable contributions to the organization.

🗄️ Organized: Efficient and Productive 📊

Exceptional employees prioritize organization and productivity. They manage their time effectively, set clear goals, and have a structured approach to their work. Being organized helps streamline processes, ensures tasks are completed efficiently, and enhances overall productivity. It enables employees to meet deadlines, handle multiple responsibilities, and maintain a high level of performance.

🔒 Transparent: Open Communication 🗣️

Transparency in communication is essential for building trust and fostering a positive work environment. Exceptional employees practice open and honest communication, sharing relevant information with colleagues and superiors. They actively seek and provide feedback, listen attentively, and contribute to a culture of transparency and collaboration

📖 Teachable: A Continuous Learner 📚

Being teachable and embracing a growth mindset are traits of exceptional employees. They are open to learning from others, seeking feedback, and actively pursuing personal and professional development opportunities. A teachable employee recognizes that learning is a lifelong journey and continually seeks ways to enhance their skills and knowledge..

🤝 Supportive: Building Strong Relationships 🤝

Exceptional employees foster positive relationships with their supervisors, coworkers, clients, and stakeholders. They demonstrate support and respect towards others, actively contribute to a collaborative work environment, and build strong professional relationships. Being supportive enhances teamwork, cooperation, and the overall success of the organization.

😄 Cheerful: Bringing Positivity to the Workplace 😃

A cheerful disposition can make a significant impact on the workplace environment. Exceptional employees bring positivity, enthusiasm, and a friendly attitude to their interactions with others. They create a pleasant work atmosphere, boost morale, and inspire colleagues to perform at their best. A cheerful employee contributes to a vibrant and motivating workplace cu

Remember, cultivating these traits can help you become an exceptional employee and make a positive impact on your work environment. Embrace these qualities, and you’ll stand out as a valuable asset to any organization.

Prices & Schedules

Free Zoom Consultation

  • 🗣️ Assess your English level
  • 🎯 Talk goals and aspirations
  • 🏫 Learn how English Class CDMX can benefit you
  • ❓ Address any questions you have
  • 🤩 Friendly 😊 Interesting
  • 🚫 No pressure-no obligation to buy anything
  • Por favor, acepta mi invitación para programar una reunión en Zoom. Respetuosamente: ¿Sí o no?